Active Ingredient : Arjunolic Acid 0.5%, Tannin 25%
Common Name : Arjuna, Arjuna Root
Chemical Constituents and Components : Main chemical constitutes are tannins, triterpenoid saponins (arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, arjungenin and arjunic acid), flavonoids, gallic acid, ellagic acid and phytosterols.
Action : Tannins / Arjunolic Acid: 1. It increases HDL cholesterol and decreases the LDL cholesterol. 2. It is significantly active against the human oral, ovarian and liver cancer cell lines. 3. It is a free radical scavenger and inhibitor for the hypochlorous acid production. 4. It significantly inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Curing Diseases : 1. It prevents heart attack, skin diseases and urinary infection.
2. It acts against cirrohsis of liver and also acts as a diuretic.
3. It strengthens the heart muscles and maintains the heart functioning properly.
4. It is used as expectorant, aphrodisiac, tonic and diuretic.
5. It acts against oedema and also fights against skin aliments like acne.
Research Information : Bark extract of Terminalia arjuna shows potent antianginal and cardioprotective activity. It stabilizes the symptoms of angina pectoris. It lowers the systolic blood pressure and body mass index to a significant level. (Ref. Dwivedi, S and Agarwal, M.P., Antianginal and cardioprotective effects of Terminalia arjuna, an indigenous drug, in coronary artery disease, J Assoc Physicians India. 1994 Apr; 42(4): 287-289)
Possible Combinations : Terminalia arjuna + cichorium intybus + solanum nigrum + achellia millefolium + cassia occidentalis (hepatoprotective)