Care and Ayurveda

a traditional holistic health care system, older than any other system of
medicine, has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years. Ayurveda,
recognized as alternative medicine now, represents the science of life and
longevity originating in the Vedic traditions of India.
The use of and search for drugs and dietary supplements derived from plants
have accelerated in recent years. Pharmacologists, microbiologists,
botanists, and natural-products chemists are combing the Earth for
phytochemicals and lead that could be developed for treatment of various
Role of Mother Herbs

Herbs export a wide range of product including
husk, Lemon grass, Flax seed,
Safed musli, Pomegranate seed, Zingiber
officinalis, Aloe vera, Commiphora mukul
to various part of U.S.A, Brazil and Sweden. We put an emphasis on organic
first and foremost, and when certified organic is not available, we offer
wild gathered material that is harvested in a sound and sustainable manner,
or materials that are cultivated without chemicals.
Some Popular Products
Lemongrass - has been considered as carminative and
insect repellent. Lemongrass is used in herbal teas and other nonalcoholic
beverages in baked goods, and in confections. Oil from Lemongrass is widely
used as a fragrance in perfumes and cosmetics, such as soaps and creams.
Citral, extracted from the oil is used in flavoring soft drinks in scenting
soaps and detergents, as a fragrance in perfumes and cosmetics, and as a
mask for disagreeable odors in several industrial products. Citral is also
used in the synthesis of ionones used in perfumes and cosmetics.
» Flax - is an erect, herb, cultivated for its
oily seeds. Leaves narrow and entire. Flowers are large, blue or bluish
violet and entire. Flowers are large, blue or bluish violet and pentamerous
in terminal panicles. Stamens 5 and alternating with staminodes. Fruits
capsular, with five cells, each containing 2 seeds. Seeds are yellowish or
blackish brown, small, flattened, oval, with smooth and shining seed coat
and small albumen. It is used internally in habitual constipation,
functional disorders of the colon resulting from the misuse of laxatives and
irritable colon, as a demulcent preparation in gastritis and enteritis.
» Safed Musli - is an aphrodisiac, tonic, pain
reliever and used to cure general debility and impotency. Its powder
increases lactation in feeding mothers and lactating cows. It is being
increasingly used in Ayurvedic and Pharmaceutical Industries. We offer Roots
and tubers of all grades and Planting Material.
» Aloe Vera - is useful for X-ray burns,
Dermatitis, Cutaneous and disorders of skin. Drug from juice is tonic and is
used in jaundice, ameneorrhoea, and piles. Aloe Vera Gel has the remarkable
ability to heal wounds, ulcer and burns.
» Commiphora Mukul - it is Carminative,
Antispasmodic, Diaphoretic, Ecobolic, Anti supportive and Emmenagodue. Gum
resin used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is a potent drug for
cardiac disorders high cholesterol. It is an ingredient for over fifty
» Psyllium Husk - it is Diuretic, Emollient
and has a Cooling effect. It is used in inflammatory conditions of mucous
membrane of gastro-intestinal and genitourinary tracts. Very well known as a
laxative. It restores proper bowel movements and used in treatment of
chronic constipation, amoebic and bucillary dysentery. Psyllium husk and
seeds are formal Pharmacopoeia.